Append a new dataset¶
We have one dataset in storage and are about to receive a new dataset.
In this notebook, we’ll see how to manage the situation.
import lamindb as ln
import bionty as bt
import readfcs
bt.settings.organism = "human"
💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-facs
ln.settings.transform.stem_uid = "SmQmhrhigFPL"
ln.settings.transform.version = "0"
💡 notebook imports: anndata==0.9.2 bionty==0.43.0 lamindb==0.72.0 pytometry==0.1.4 readfcs==1.1.8 scanpy==1.10.1
💡 saved: Transform(version='0', uid='SmQmhrhigFPL6K79', name='Append a new dataset', key='facs2', type='notebook', updated_at=2024-05-20 08:35:23 UTC, created_by_id=1)
💡 saved: Run(uid='kCSm39End6G9Fs21HuGc', transform_id=2, created_by_id=1)
Ingest a new artifact¶
Access ¶
Let us validate and register another .fcs
file from Oetjen18:
filepath = readfcs.datasets.Oetjen18_t1()
adata =
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 241552 × 20
var: 'n', 'channel', 'marker', '$PnR', '$PnB', '$PnE', '$PnV', '$PnG'
uns: 'meta'
Transform: normalize ¶
import anndata as ad
import pytometry as pm
pm.pp.split_signal(adata, var_key="channel")
adata = adata[ # subset to rows that do not have nan values
adata.to_df().isna().sum(axis=1) == 0
CD95 | CD8 | CD27 | CXCR4 | CCR7 | LIVE/DEAD | CD4 | CD45RA | CD3 | CD49B | CD14/19 | CD69 | CD103 | |
count | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 | 241552.000000 |
mean | 887.579860 | 1302.985717 | 1221.257257 | 877.533482 | 977.505533 | 1883.358298 | 556.687953 | 929.493316 | 941.166747 | 966.012244 | 1210.769935 | 741.523184 | 1003.064857 |
std | 573.549695 | 827.850302 | 672.851319 | 411.966073 | 584.217139 | 932.113729 | 480.875917 | 795.550133 | 658.984751 | 456.437094 | 694.622980 | 473.287558 | 642.728024 |
min | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 462.757715 | 493.413744 | 605.463427 | 588.047798 | 495.437303 | 1063.670965 | 240.623098 | 404.087640 | 477.932659 | 592.294399 | 575.401173 | 380.247262 | 475.108131 |
50% | 774.350833 | 1207.624048 | 1110.367681 | 782.939692 | 782.981430 | 1951.855099 | 484.355203 | 557.904360 | 655.909639 | 800.280049 | 1124.574275 | 705.802991 | 775.101973 |
75% | 1327.792103 | 2036.849496 | 1721.730010 | 1070.479036 | 1453.929567 | 2623.975657 | 729.754419 | 1345.771633 | 1218.445208 | 1347.042403 | 1742.288464 | 1069.175380 | 1420.744291 |
max | 4053.903716 | 4065.495666 | 4095.351322 | 4025.827267 | 3999.075551 | 4096.000000 | 4088.719985 | 3961.255364 | 3940.061146 | 4089.445928 | 3982.769373 | 3810.774988 | 4023.968008 |
Validate cell markers ¶
Let’s see how many markers validate:
validated = bt.CellMarker.validate(adata.var.index)
❗ 9 terms (69.20%) are not validated for name: CD95, CXCR4, CCR7, LIVE/DEAD, CD4, CD49B, CD14/19, CD69, CD103
Let’s standardize and re-validate:
adata.var.index = bt.CellMarker.standardize(adata.var.index)
validated = bt.CellMarker.validate(adata.var.index)
❗ 7 terms (53.80%) are not validated for name: CD95, CXCR4, LIVE/DEAD, CD49B, CD14/19, CD69, CD103
Next, register non-validated markers from Bionty:
records = bt.CellMarker.from_values(adata.var.index[~validated])
❗ did not create CellMarker records for 2 non-validated names: 'CD14/19', 'LIVE/DEAD'
Manually create 1 marker:
Move metadata to obs:
validated = bt.CellMarker.validate(adata.var.index)
adata.obs = adata[:, ~validated].to_df()
adata = adata[:, validated].copy()
❗ 1 term (7.70%) is not validated for name: LIVE/DEAD
Now all markers pass validation:
validated = bt.CellMarker.validate(adata.var.index)
assert all(validated)
Register ¶
features = ln.Feature.lookup()
efs = bt.ExperimentalFactor.lookup()
organism = bt.Organism.lookup()
markers = bt.CellMarker.lookup()
artifact = ln.Artifact.from_anndata(
Artifact(updated_at=2024-05-20 08:35:29 UTC, uid='G1eD6CjXt1PMsOJXWNg2', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='Oetjen18_t1', size=46506448, hash='WbPHGIMM_5GT68rC8ZydHA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=2, run_id=2)
❗ 1 term (100.00%) is not validated for name: LIVE/DEAD
❗ skip linking features to artifact in slot 'obs'
artifact.labels.add(efs.fluorescence_activated_cell_sorting, features.assay)
artifact.labels.add(organism.human, features.organism)
var: FeatureSet(uid='uxpPWymhiYC6HAjGIMn2', n=12, dtype='float', registry='bionty.CellMarker')
'Cd4', 'CD8', 'CD95', 'CXCR4', 'CD49B', 'CD69', 'CD3', 'CD103', 'CD27', 'CD14/19', 'Ccr7', 'CD45RA'
external: FeatureSet(uid='OmeXOMxgnEhXC9RTwUkx', n=2, registry='Feature')
🔗 assay (2, cat[bionty.ExperimentalFactor]): 'fluorescence-activated cell sorting'
🔗 organism (2, cat[bionty.Organism]): 'human'
View data flow:
Inspect a PCA fo QC - this collection looks much like noise:
Create a new version of the collection by appending a artifact¶
Query the old version:
collection_v1 = ln.Collection.filter(name="My versioned cytometry collection").one()
collection_v2 = ln.Collection(
[artifact, collection_v1.artifacts[0]], is_new_version_of=collection_v1, version="2"
Collection(version='2', uid='fKGHhSBa4djdlwpVXWqD', name='My versioned cytometry collection', hash='aIyjTZDm9LEyi4udLlQ-', visibility=1)
📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')
📎 transform: Transform(version='0', uid='SmQmhrhigFPL6K79', name='Append a new dataset', key='facs2', type='notebook')
📎 run: Run(uid='kCSm39End6G9Fs21HuGc', started_at=2024-05-20 08:35:23 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
var: FeatureSet(uid='HFygr7vMsIsfiWMXwgtP', n=41, dtype='float', registry='bionty.CellMarker')
'CD57', 'Cd19', 'Cd4', 'CD8', 'Igd', 'CD85j', 'CD11c', 'CD16', 'CD3', 'CD38', 'CD27', 'CD11B', 'Cd14', 'Ccr6', 'CD94', 'CD86', 'CXCR5', 'CXCR3', 'Ccr7', 'CD45RA'
obs: FeatureSet(uid='KWwnCUhtneVDb0YDvrlW', n=5, registry='Feature')
Time (float)
Cell_length (float)
Dead (float)
(Ba138)Dd (float)
Bead (float)
external: FeatureSet(uid='OmeXOMxgnEhXC9RTwUkx', n=2, registry='Feature')
🔗 assay (2, cat[bionty.ExperimentalFactor]): 'My versioned cytometry collection'
🔗 organism (2, cat[bionty.Organism]): 'My versioned cytometry collection'